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Shushuya Shuya
MST | Brynhildr
Hingan potionsmith, botanist and tea curator
RP tag = IC

cover art by @gingkoism//twitter

Full Name: Shushuya Belvyeri
Nickname(s): Shu, Little Red
Race: Lalafell, Dunesfolk
Age: 22 (SB), 24 (ShB)
Pronouns: she/her
Height: 3 fulms, 2 ilms
Hair color: Brown/Pink
Eye color: Amber
Nameday: 22nd sun of the 6th Astral Moon (11/21)
Guardian: Menphina, the Lover
Occupation: Potionsmith, Medical consultant, Part-time staff at the Perfumed ParlourBirthplace: Radz-at-Han, Thavnair
Residence: Shirogane, Hingashi

A bubbly personality, Shushuya is amicable to all those she meets. some find her shy, though she has a habit of being quite talkative when she's given the chance to talk about her medical craft. Though Shushuya has a will of iron, her nerves will often get the better of her. Beyond her perpetual smile seems to be the traces of most bitter melancholy. She has trouble admitting to such things for fear of making others worry.Shushuya is almost exclusively seen in red clothing and, if not, with some sort of red item on her person. Her singular earring is an item of comfort from her late father's inheritance. Her hair is usually tied up in a ponytail, though she might experiment with its style on occasion.Half Hingan and Half Thavnairian, Shushuya often feels a disconnect from her place of birth, of which she remembers very little. For what it's worth, she speaks fondly of small pieces of Thavnairian etiquette and cultural traditions that persist in her Hingan abode.Aside from potionsmithing, Shushuya has a part-time job in the Perfumed Parlour, a restaurant and entertainment venue in Kugane formed of her closest friends. That being said, Shushuya is no performer; she works as part of the cleaning staff.

before the fall.

The orphaned sisters Shushuya and Momoji were spirited away from their home isle of Thavnair after a disastrous flood left their seaside village without a home to return to. It was a storm in the night, separated from their parents, and the girls were left without the closure of knowing if they survived the wreckage or not.At the time, she was a child of only four namedays and Shushuya had clung to her older sister in hope and desperation, uncertain of what lied ahead. She has little memory of her parents, save for the smallest of comforts and objects later salvaged from the rubble.But to their luck, a cousin—esteemed potionsmith Kokonoe Mananoe—had offered the sisters refuge in their small but comfortable Hingan apothecary. Young Shushuya was quick to take interest in all manner of herbs and botany, and has worked ever since.Ere long, rebellious Momoji—who has always had an itch for adventure—was on the road again and Shushuya was left to her lonesome.For a little while, anyways...

whispers of the streets.

  • Talented Potionsmith: A well-known fact. Kugane residents and visitors alike have sought out her services for minor blights, aches and injuries, as well as specialized medical concoctions.

  • Fieldwork Fanatic: A known fact. Much of Shu's travels involve taking note of the local greenery, in order to understand their medicinal properties. Fellow botany enthusiasts may cross her path, taking interest in her extensive (and illustrated!) botanical catalog.

  • Partner in Teatime: A known fact. Shu extends her enthusiasm towards plants through her love of tea and her role as one of the Parlour's hostesses and expert tea curator.

  • Missing Momoji: A lesser known fact. Shu's boisterous older sister always seems to be at large, in one way or another. However, Momoji has been classified as missing for quite some time. Fortunately, she likes to leave a noticeable first impression...which Shu deeply apologizes for.

  • Intruders Beware: A rarer fact. Dealing with yōkai and malevolent spirits was certainly not a talent Shu expected to pick up, but alas life is destined to lead her in strange places. Shu is a novice geomancer under the tutelage of Kokonoe. Should you be interested in purchasing talismans or warding objects, it wouldn't hurt to ask her.

the ring of festival drums.

In the nighttime streets of Kugane, Shushuya met a boy. She was, at the time, unaware of Kimura Yamamura's high-class heritage and that his tendency to escape into the night was fueled by a desire to escape his stuffy home. Infrequent encounters grew more frequent, which introduced Shushuya into Kimura's family of choice.Some two years ago, a high profile murder happened in Kugane, where Lord and Lady Yamamura were assassinated during a kabuki performance. Kugane inhabitants might remember how whispers of the incident flooded middle-class gossip. As their only son, Kimura inherited the estate and turned to his now-blooming group of friends for ideas with what to do with the estate.The Perfumed Parlour's organizers comprise of Shushuya's closest, most trusted friends. The kind-hearted Airi, airheaded Luvenne, the coy K'nahgi. You may here her mention such characters more often than not, and the colorful stories they bring to the dinner table.

traits of note.

  • Shushuya is primarily station in Kugane, however, works occasionally in the Eorzean continent under an Ul'dahn potionsmith.

  • As such, 'Shushuya Shuya' is not her real name, though she will refer to herself as such when blending in with Eorzean naming customs.

  • The opposite of a 'sweet tooth', Shushuya's favorites tend to be nice and savory. She has a particular love of sour sauces. Her favorite drinks, on the other hand, are bitter teas.

  • Her favorites places are calm, airy and open, filled with slight breeze or white noise.

  • Shushuya is possessed of a deep fear for the ocean and wide, expansive spaces will often make her nervous.

  • She speaks fluent Eorzean, Hingan and conversational, day-to-day Hannish—specifically the Thavnairian dialect of Radz-At-Han. Though Hannish is the language she speaks at home, Shushuya cannot write in Hannish.

  • Many would describe her accent as non-distinct, a mishmash of near and far.

  • Shu does not possess the Echo, however appears to be able to faintly detect the presence of yōkai as a result from continued geomantic training.

along the red thread.

ID: Momoji Belvyeri
Shushuya's older sister and her idol in most respects. Growing up without her parents left young Shushuya to cling to Momoji for comfort and support.
Despite all her love for Momoji, Shushuya secretly envies the former's strength and conviction...feeling herself rather lacking in both.


ID: Dr. Lucan Aegrus
Shushuya's interesting employer and an unlikely friend. The two found kindred spirits in their love of medicine, to which Shushuya has offered Lucan help with his own practice from time to time.


ID: Kimura Yamamura
One of Shushuya's closest friends. Kimura is the youngest son of a fanciful Hingan estate, where his talents lie in social etiquette and performance art rather than fighting. The two had often run amok of the nighttime Kugane streets behind the back of Kimura's strict parents.
Shushuya's been infatuated with him for a long while now. Not that she'll ever say anything about it...


ID: Luvenne de Lusaix
You might often hear Shushuya affectionately speak of a certain "Lulu"; this is her. Shushuya had met this eccentric Ishgardian mechanic through Luvenne's expatriation to Hingashi. By way of Kimura, Shushuya and Luvenne would eventually become very close, entrusting each other with insecurities scarcely shared with anyone else.